Linux Quick Live Incident Response

(0) Methodology

--> Identify suspicious connection
--> Capture network traffic
--> Identify suspicious processes
--> Check user accounts and groups
--> Identify last log-ins log-outs
--> Check command-line, bash and logIns/logouts history
--> Monitor HTTP -HTTPS traffic
--> Monitor DNS Queries
--> Examine newly created files
--> Find persistent mechanism
--> Check activity and download history on browsers


sudo netstat -tnp > connections.txt

--> it will give connections and connection attempts.


sudo lsof -i -P > connections2.txt

--> it will give connections and connection attempts including domains.


sudo lsof -i -P -n > connections3.txt

--> it will give connections and connection attempts with IP addresses.


sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -w networkcapture.pcap

--> it will give a network packet flow sample.  run this command 1 minute and cancel with CTRL+C


sudo ps -eo pid,%cpu,%mem,command --sort=-%mem > processes.txt

--> it will give running processes sorted by CPU usage including PIDs and full commands.


sudo cat /etc/passwd > users.txt

--> it will give the created user accounts to see if any malicious creation. (Hint: Malicious accounts can be found under bin/bash folder and )


sudo cat /etc/group > groups.txt

--> it will give information about who is sudo and admin to see if any malicious sudo account. (if it does not work try "sudo su" at first.)


sudo last -F > lastloginslogouts.txt

--> -it will give information about all users logged in and out (if it does not work try "sudo su" at first.)


sudo su

history > sudosuhistory.txt

--> -it will give information about command-line history of the sudo user



history > commandlinehistory.txt

--> -it will give information about command-line history of regular user


tshark -J 'tcp http' > httptraffic.txt

--> capture HTTP  traffic - after 1 minute CTRL+C to cancel (if it does not work try "sudo su" at first.)


tshark -J 'tcp https' > httptraffic.txt

--> capture HTTPS  traffic - after 1 minute CTRL+C to cancel (if it does not work try "sudo su" at first.)


tshark -i eth0 -f "src port 53" -n -T fields -e -e dns.a > DNSqueries.txt

--> capture DNS query traffic - after 1 minute CTRL+C to cancel (if it does not work try "sudo su" at first.) (eth0 network interface - if it does not work "netstat -i" to find out your network interface info)


tshark -i eth0 -f "src port 53" -n -T fields -e -e dns.a > DNSqueries.txt

--> capture DNS query traffic - after 1 minute CTRL+C to cancel (if it does not work try "sudo su" at first.) (eth0 network interface - if it does not work "netstat -i" to find out your network interface info)


ls -lha bin > binfiles.txt

ls -lha usr > usrfiles.txt

ls -lha usr/bin > usr-binfiles.txt

ls -lha usr/share > usr-sharefiles.txt

ls -lha usr/local> usr-localfiles.txt

ls -lha opt> optfiles.txt

(Run these commands separately to check if there is a new executable file under these folders)


crontab -l > crontabs1.txt

(Check crontabs to see if there is a persistent mechanism)  (if it does not work try "sudo su" at first.)


cat /etc/crontab > crontabs2.txt

(Check crontabs to see if there is a persistent mechanism)  (if it does not work try "sudo su" at first.)


find -type f -exec md5sum "{}" + > ~/HASHES.txt

(Collect all hash values under a directory with sub-directories) 

MORE... MORE... :)

(19) Capture Memory Image

- Find Memory Info
cat /proc/meminfo
- Download LiME
git clone
-  Find Linux Version using LiME
cd LiME
cd src
- Capture memory and generate its hash
sudo insmod "<LINUX VERSION>generic.ko" "path=/Linux.mem format=lime"
file Linux.mem
md5sum Linux.mem

padded ~ pads all non-System RAM ranges with 0s
lime ~ each range prepended with fixed-size header containing address space info
raw ~ concatenates all System RAM ranges (warning : original position of dumped memory is likely to be lost)

(20) Analyze Linux Memory via Volatility

- Install Volatility3
sudo git clone
- Recover bash command history from memory
sudo python3 volatility3/ -f Linux.mem linux.bash.Bash

- Lists all memory mapped ELF files for all processes
sudo python3 volatility3/ -f Linux.mem linux.elfs.Elfs

- List process memory ranges that potentially contain injected code
sudo python3 volatility3/ -f Linux.mem linux.pslist.PsList

-  List processes in a tree based on their parent process ID
sudo python3 volatility3/ -f Linux.mem linux.pstree.PsTree

- Check if any processes are sharing credential structures
sudo python3 volatility3/ -f Linux.mem linux.check_afinfo.Check_afinfo

- Check system call table for hooks
sudo python3 volatility3/ -f Linux.mem linux.check_syscall.Check_syscall

(21) Search Strings

- - Search a whole directory and subdirectory for strings:
sudo grep -Ril <STRING>

(22) Check Some Specific Logs

- Use the Last or Last -F on the terminal to see display the list of all the users logged in and out since the file /var/log/wtmp was created. One or more usernames can be given as an argument to display their login in (and out) time and their host-name.

- Look at auth.log to check failure authentications or suspicious activities (you can focus on detection time)
sudo cat /var/log/auth.log | grep "Oct 30 19:3" 

-- Check user /etc/passwd and group accounts /etc/group
-- Check shells and history logs
-- Search added/modified files
-- Check running processes, locations, and configs
-- Export and analyze timelines comparing normal and abnormal activities

